Cytokine Profiling Antibody Array highlights 310 extraordinary antibodies for profiling cytokines, chemokines and related biomarkers in human cells, tissues, serum or culture media. Each bundle contains two indistinguishable cluster slides for dissecting two examples, for example, a control test and a treatment test.
Cytokine Profiling Antibody Array is a high-throughput ELISA based counter acting agent exhibit for protein articulation profiling of cytokines, chemokines and related biomarkers. The exhibit is intended for contrasting ordinary examples with treated or unhealthy examples, and distinguishing applicant biomarkers.
- 310 cytokine related antibodies; 6 imitates per counter acting agent
- Subjective/semi-quantitative protein articulation profiling of cytokines and related biomarkers
- Antibodies covalently immobilized on 3D polymer covered glass slide
- Fluorescent identification
ELISABASIC pack for evaluation of IFN-γ in arrangement
The equine IFN-γ ELISABASIC pack is great for clients who need the adaptability of setting up their own ELISA measure. This item empowers measurement of equine IFN-γ in arrangement, for example in cell culture supernatant. The unit contains a matched sets of monoclonal catch and identification antibodies, Streptavidin-HRP, ELISA standard and standard reconstitution support. Plates and substrate are excluded.
Interferon-γ (IFN-γ, otherwise called IFN-gamma, IFN-g, IFNg and Interferon-gamma) is delivered principally by actuated T cells and NK cells. A proinflammatory cytokine actuates macrophages and endothelial cells, yet it likewise directs insusceptible reactions by affecting APC and T and B cells. Creation of IFN-γ by aide T cells as well as cytotoxic T cells is a sign of the TH1-type aggregate, in this way, significant level creation of IFN-γ is normally connected with powerful host protection against intracellular microbes.
A business ELISA for identification of interferon gamma in white rhinoceros.
Ox-like tuberculosis (bTB), brought about by Mycobacterium bovis, is endemic in Kruger National Park, South Africa, home to the biggest populace of white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) on the planet. In 2016, the main instances of normally happening bTB were accounted for in white rhinoceros; be that as it may, there is an absence of comprehension of contamination and sickness process in this species.
Counteraction and control of transmission relies upon the accessibility of exact devices to recognize M. bovis disease. Interferon gamma (IFN-γ) examines are a dependable location strategy for TB in other creature species, and review have shown that these tests can be utilized in white rhinoceros.
We looked to screen and advance a business IFN-γ chemical connected immunosorbent measure (ELISA) to distinguish endogenous white rhinoceros IFN-γ in mitogen-animated entire blood as a reason for fostering a test for M. bovis disease. Enhancements included recognizing ELISA antibodies and deciding the impact of test grid, ELISA plate brooding temperature, ELISA linearity, examine reproducibility, and the measure’s furthest reaches of evaluation.
The upgraded measure utilized an equine IFN-γ counter acting agent pair that was utilized to make a business ELISA pack. This ELISA had a straight reaction to recombinant equine and endogenous rhinoceros IFN-γ (range: 7.8-125 pg/mL). When hatched at 37°C, the ELISA was profoundly reproducible, with an ideal recuperation and a low restriction of measurement, showing that the Mabtech equine IFN-γ ELISAPRO unit is a hearty examine for estimating white rhinoceros IFN-γ.
IFN gamma Human ELISA Kit
IFN gamma (Interferon gamma, Type II interferon) is a macrophage enactment element, and invulnerable interferon that is delivered fundamentally by T-lymphocytes and regular executioner cells in light of antigens, mitogens, Staphylococcus enterotoxin B, phytohemaglutanin and different cytokines. IFN gamma is a dimeric protein comprising of two 146 amino corrosive subunits. IFN gamma is a glycoprotein that exists, practically, as a homodimer of around 45 kDa. On SDS-PAGE, IFN gamma shows up as a blend of 25, 20 and minor 15.5 kDa groups because of differential glycosylation. The natural action of the IFN gamma homodimer is exceptionally species explicit. Human IFN gamma doesn’t show cross-reactivity with mouse.
ELISA kit for General UTP (Uridine Triphosphate) | ||||
ELK8128 | ELK Biotech | 1 plate of 96 wells | 446.4 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate ELISA Kit | ||||
ECP7964 | Genovis AB | 96 Tests | 646 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
abx156753-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 6412.5 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
20-abx156753 | Abbexa |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
abx156753-10g | Abbexa | 10 µg | 712.5 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
abx156753-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | 3387.5 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
EKU08751-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 647.92 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
EKU08751-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 4396.6 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
EKU08751-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 925.6 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
EKN49862-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 403.06 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
EKN49862-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 2735.05 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
EKN49862-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 575.8 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate ELISA Kit (OKCD02292) | ||||
OKCD02292 | Aviva Systems Biology | 96 Wells | 1154.4 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
HY-107372 | MedChemExpress | 100mg | 86.58 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS5758599-100mg | MyBiosource | 100mg | 180 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS5758599-10mg | MyBiosource | 10mg | 145 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS5758599-50mg | MyBiosource | 50mg | 155 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS5758599-5x100mg | MyBiosource | 5x100mg | 665 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS387742-100mg | MyBiosource | 100mg | 200 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS387742-500mg | MyBiosource | 500mg | 430 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS387742-50mg | MyBiosource | 50mg | 155 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS387742-5x500mg | MyBiosource | 5x500mg | 1930 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS3610962-100mg | MyBiosource | 100mg | 295 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS3610962-10mg | MyBiosource | 10mg | 210 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS3610962-50mg | MyBiosource | 50mg | 245 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
MBS3610962-5x100mg | MyBiosource | 5x100mg | 985 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
T7711-10mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 10mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
T7711-1g | TargetMol Chemicals | 1g | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
T7711-1mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
T7711-50mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 50mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate | ||||
T7711-5mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 5mg | Ask for price | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
CEG822Ge-10x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 10x96-wells test plate | 6588.86 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
CEG822Ge-1x48wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 1x48-wells test plate | 647.78 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
CEG822Ge-1x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 1x96-wells test plate | 873.98 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
CEG822Ge-5x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 5x96-wells test plate | 3572.93 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
4-CEG822Ge | Cloud-Clone |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS2025220-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6055 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS2025220-24StripWells | MyBiosource | 24-Strip-Wells | 390 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS2025220-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 610 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS2025220-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3315 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS2025220-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 825 EUR | |
General UTP (Uridine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS8807096-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3130 EUR | |
General UTP (Uridine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS8807096-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 315 EUR | |
General UTP (Uridine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS8807096-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1710 EUR | |
General UTP (Uridine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit | ||||
MBS8807096-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 385 EUR | |
General Uridine Triphosphate ELISA Kit (UTP) | ||||
RK00730 | Abclonal | 96 Tests | 322.37 EUR | |
OKCD02292-96W - Uridine Triphosphate ELISA Kit | ||||
OKCD02292-96W | Aviva Systems Biology | 96Wells | 775 EUR | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) CLIA Kit | ||||
20-abx490526 | Abbexa |
Uridine triphosphate-13C9,15N2 (sodium) | ||||
HY-107372S | MedChemExpress | 100 mg | 54.11 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate-13C9 (dilithium) | ||||
HY-107372S2 | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate-15N2 (dilithium) | ||||
HY-107372S4 | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
MBS5797473-100mg | MyBiosource | 100(mg | 135 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
MBS5797473-5x100mg | MyBiosource | 5x100mg | 455 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
T36299-10mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 10mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
T36299-1g | TargetMol Chemicals | 1g | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
T36299-1mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
T36299-50mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 50mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate 13C9,15N2 sodium | ||||
T36299-5mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 5mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate (trisodium salt) | ||||
HY-W013093 | MedChemExpress | 10mM/1mL | 135.6 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt | ||||
T8393-10mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 10mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt | ||||
T8393-1g | TargetMol Chemicals | 1g | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt | ||||
T8393-1mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt | ||||
T8393-50mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 50mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt | ||||
T8393-5mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 5mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate (tris) salt | ||||
HY-128752 | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS5751395-10mg | MyBiosource | 10mg | 325 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS5751395-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 165 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS5751395-25mg | MyBiosource | 25mg | 505 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS5751395-2mg | MyBiosource | 2mg | 185 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS5751395-5mg | MyBiosource | 5mg | 245 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS3609706-10mg | MyBiosource | 10mg | 385 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS3609706-25mg | MyBiosource | 25mg | 570 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS3609706-2mg | MyBiosource | 2mg | 250 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS3609706-5mg | MyBiosource | 5mg | 310 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
MBS3609706-5x25mg | MyBiosource | 5x25mg | 2240 EUR | |
Uridine 5′-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
T4922-10mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 10mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5′-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
T4922-1g | TargetMol Chemicals | 1g | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5′-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
T4922-1mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 1mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5′-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
T4922-50mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 50mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5′-triphosphate tris salt | ||||
T4922-5mg | TargetMol Chemicals | 5mg | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-Triphosphate TRIS Salt | ||||
U830043 | Toronto Research Chemicals | 100mg | 874 EUR | |
Uridine triphosphate-d13 (dilithium) | ||||
HY-107372S3 | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate-13C9,15N5 (lithium) | ||||
HY-150712S | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate-d7 (ammonium) | ||||
HY-150871S | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate(UTP)-d4 (ammonium) | ||||
HY-150778S | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate (ammonium salt)-d8 | ||||
HY-150771S | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine Triphosphate (UTP) Magnetic Luminex Assay Kit | ||||
LKU604999-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 1125.9 EUR | |
Uridine -5'-triphosphate UTP], trisodium salt | ||||
UD0570T | Bio Basic | 100mg | 96.54 EUR | |
Uridine 5'-triphosphate (ammonium salt)-15N2 | ||||
HY-150798S | MedChemExpress | Get quote | Ask for price | |
Uridine 5’-Triphosphate-13C,15N2 Sodium Salt | ||||
U830056 | Toronto Research Chemicals | 2.5mg | 9200 EUR | |
Uridine -5'-triphosphate UTP], 100 mM solution | ||||
UB1341 | Bio Basic | 0.25ml, 0.25ml | 85.06 EUR |
IFN gamma work incorporates the accompanying: antiviral movement, cancer antiproliferative action, enlistment of class I and II MHC, macrophage actuation, and improved immunoglobulin emission by B lymphocytes. IFN gamma is engaged with cytokine guideline and furthermore acts synergistically with different cytokines. Initiation of IFN gamma happens through restricting of IFN gamma receptor I and II, and enacting the JAK-STAT pathway. IFN gamma shows no homology with IFN alpha or IFN beta yet human IFN gamma shows around 40% arrangement homology with mouse IFN gamma. IFN gamma is upregulated by IL2, FGF fundamental, EGF and downregulated by nutrient D3 or DMN. IFN gamma quality transformations are related with aplastic weakness.